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by JSP Yuen - 2008 - Cited by 37 - Related articlesJohn SP Yuen MBBS MMed(Surg) MRCSEd FAMS(Uro), DPhil (Oxon) & Valentine M Macaulay 3 MD PhD MRCP. 1Urology Clinical Research Fellow Weatherall Institute of
Presentations online
Valentine Macaulay - research profile on BiomedExperts:IGF Type 1 Receptor, Small Interfering RNA, Antineoplastic Agents, Cultured Tumor Cells, Transfection
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The newly created Macaulay College Press is looking for student submissions for its who are planning to pursue PhD or MD /PhD degree programs after graduation. Macaulay Etcetera. It's Valentine's season! In England, the Romans,
by M SOHAIL - 2003 4 Dec 2003 MACAULAY , Valentine , Moya [GB/GB]; (GB) (US Only). Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD , RU, TJ, TM)
Dual silencing of the EGF and type 1 IGF receptors suggests
V. M. Macaulay , M. R. Middleton, S. G. Eckhardt, R. A. Juergens, A. W. Stephens, Baltimore, MD ; OSI Pharmaceuticals, Boulder, CO; OSI Pharmaceuticals, Oxford , Presenter: Valentine M Macaulay Session: Developmental Therapeutics
Results - Maryland Steeplechasing
Valentine Macaulay , Oxford, United Kingdom Benu Brata Das, Bethesda, MD . Plenary session 8: Drug development methodology & regulatory affairs
Walking the Tightrope: Inhibition of the Insulin-Like Growth
by MP Playford - 2000 - Cited by 156 - Related articles24 Oct 2000 David Bicknell,† Walter F. Bodmer,† and Valentine M. Macaulay *‡ ...... Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD , 20894 USA.
Insulin-like growth factor 1 regulates the location, stability
1 Apr 2009 Macaulay , Grant, Md - Docs in New York. Come to Citysearch
An adult Xp11.2 translocation renal carcinoma showing response to
by MA Eisenberger - 1998 - Cited by 453 - Related articles8 Oct 1998 Mario A. Eisenberger, M.D. , Brent A. Blumenstein, Ph.D., ..... Gareth D.H. Turner, Simon F. Brewster, Valentine M. Macaulay .
Spreadia | Tami B. Cassis, M.D. - Dayflower
Email, valentine . macaulay Val Macaulay. Val Macauley Macaulay Fig Jan 2011. IGF-1R undergoes nuclear translocation.
Val Macaulay — WIMM
2, Rippin And Runnin, Darren Nagle, Richard L. Valentine , Magalen O. Bryant 3, Danesfort, Macaulay Kinnamon, Macaulay Kinnamon, Macaulay Kinnamon
Serial analysis of resected prostate cancer suggests up-regulation
David Valentine Age 55 View Details. Fort Hill High School ' 73. Cumberland, MD . Sheree Rodriguez David Valentine Shelton -
Valentine Macaulay Md
by BW Turney - Cited by 1 - Related articles14 Sep 2010 *Correspondence: Valentine M. Macaulay , Molecular Oncology ...... Hauschka PV, Mavrakos AE, Iafrati MD , Doleman SE, Klagsbrun M. Growth
Phase I study of OSI-906, dual tyrosine kinase inhibitor of
Medical Staff, William Burden, M.D. , Professor of Midwifery, Queen's College. ...... Trustees - Thomas McClure, J.P., W. Valentine , Jasper Macaulay .
Dave Valentine Va
by J Riedemann - 2007 - Cited by 18 - Related articlesJohann Riedemann a, Muhammad Sohail b and Valentine M. Macaulay a , Corresponding ..... [13] M.D. Marmor, K.B. Skaria and Y. Yarden, Signal transduction and
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