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Amazon.com: Text Messaging Survival Guide (9781425139759): Evie
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How to understand your kids text messages It's just some of the new slang kids use every day on the internet and cell phones. It goes beyond LOL (laugh
How to Understand Your Kids ' Text Messages - a knol by Anonymous
24 Sep 2009 The short forms kids use to text - message each other on their cellphones is not making them bad .... Iran hits out at Valentine's Day
How To E-mail A Text Message ... Plus Popular Shortcuts
22 Nov 2009 CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - When you look at your kids ' emails or text messages and find it hard to decipher - You are not alone.
Text Message Translator, Online Text Message Dictionary
7 Feb 2011 In the United States, cell-phone users send more than 75 billion text messages per month, The best texts are from my kids when they text me they aced a test. my students and I can tell you that text lingo is infiltrating student writing. .... DIY Valentine's Day projects for kids of all ages
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Text Message Abbreviations - LoveToKnow Online
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Texting abbreviations can be helpful in shortening a text message while still getting the idea across to the recipient. However, if the recipient receives
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25% Off Select Valentine's Day Gifts .... Have you ever wanted to learn text messaging lingo so you could decipher what your kids were text messaging to each It is also great for parents to know what there kids are text messaging .
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Have you ever wondered what all those text message abbreviations mean? Lingo 2 Word is a neat translating site and dictionary of text message
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