Saint Valentine's Day : Its Real Origins
The pagan origins of Valentine's Day begin with the Roman feast of Lupercalia. On February 14, Romans honoured Juno, the goddess of fertility.
The Truth Behind St. Valentine's Day
Valentines Day - Pagan Origins (Temple Prostitutes?) News Type: Event — Sun Feb 7, 2010 8:11 PM EST. history. By Dr Know. advertisement
St Valentine's Day and its Pagan Origins in the Roman Lupercalia
(Note from the editor at Goddess Gift: Valentine's Day and its origins , The feast days celebrated the founding of Rome, and a pagan priest led the
Valentine's Day : History and Islamic Perspective « ekhlas
Explore the history of Valentine's Day , a holiday that celebrates love in an effort to "christianize" celebrations of the pagan Lupercalia festival.
What is the TRUE ORIGIN of Valentine's Day ?
Valentine's Day's Colorful Pagan Origins . By David Bois | Saturday, February 13, 2010 4:00 PM ET. The mid-February celebration of love has roots in the
Valentine's Day : Wholesome Christian Fun or a Pagan Tradition
How many of you were ever taught the real origin of Valentine's Day ? But how did this pagan festival acquire the name of "St. Valentine's Day "?
Lupercalia, the True Origin of St. Valentine's Day
11 Feb 2009 More than a Hallmark holiday, Valentine's Day , like Halloween, is rooted in pagan partying. (See "Halloween Facts: Costumes, History,
Valentine's Day History and Traditions
Valentine's Day History. Pagan festivals, Christian saints, saints whose historical origins were questionable. St. Valentine was one of the casualties.
Valentine's Day - Not Like it Used to Be - History and Customs
These and other questions will now be answered, as we examine the roots and pagan origin of this popular day . In the days of the Roman Empire, the month of
The History of Valentine's Day - Content - History Television
The religious origins and background of Valentine's Day : Although most
What is the Origin of Valentine's Day ?
St. Valentine's Day is the world's “holiday of love. perverted pagan festivals of ancient history: Lupercalia and the feast day of Juno Februata. ..... The True Origin of Christmas · The True Origin of Easter · Who Is the Devil?
Valentine's Day's Colorful Pagan Origins - Tonic
In Iran, the celebration of Valentine's Day has been harshly criticized by the city of Rome in 753 B.C. The pagan festival was also in honor of the
Valentine's Day — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts
Forget St Valentine , the 14th of February is the Eve of Lupercalia, an ancient Pagan festival of love. Read the full facts at
Valentine's Day History —
22 Jan 2007 And this is what Christians celebrate and call Valentine's Day . So what is the truth of Valentine's Day ? The Pagan Origins of
Newsvine - Valentines Day - Pagan Origins (Temple Prostitutes?)
Isn't Valentine's Day a Christian day, named after a Christian saint? When we consider the matter more closely, we don't find a strong relationship between
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