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Xtra Holidays (Father's Day , Valentines , July 4). Have you written a Children's Sermon or Object Lesson that you'd like to share?
Children's Sermon Web Site!
Use a Tootsie Roll PopsĀ® to teach a Valentine's Day Christian object lesson about how to have a Also try these fun science experiment object lessons
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Valentine's Day Lesson . Premium, Moses 4 - Dead Sea? Dead End? The story of
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Salvation Cups This object lesson is from Children's Ministry Today. *Note- The first cup in order should be the one with the four colors in it
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Valentine's Day Talk Do you have a holiday object talk or lesson to share
Holidays and Special Occasions | Children's Sermons for Sermon 4
A fun game/ object lesson on the need to read the Bible carefully! High Voltage Kids Ministry - Valentine's Day · Real Fun - Valentine's Day · Kids Power
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A sweet valentine's day object lesson that will show children the depth of god's love. theme: valentine's day text: 1 john 3:18 best for: grades k-2
Christian Object Lessons
31 Jan 2009 Use this evangelistic Valentine's day object lesson as a children's sermon or teaching activity. Based upon the "wordless book" concept,
Cauliflower With Coriander Joanne Weir, Object Lessons , Valentines
Use this evangelistic Valentine's Day object lesson as a Children's sermon
Bible Lesson Plans
17 May 2008 Creative Sunday school ideas and object lessons : FREE! - Valentines Day . Designed primarily for the short "Children's Focus" during Sunday
Object lessons for children: Salvation - Bible Study - Helium
Use a Tootsie Roll PopsĀ® to teach a Valentine's Day Christian object lesson about how to have a heart for Jesus. Or check out other great Valentine's Day Christmas Object Lesson - Cell Phone - Mathwww.creativebiblestudy.com/christianobjectlessons.html - Cached - Similar The Greatest Commandment - Love - MSSS Bible Lesson The Greatest Commandment · Valentine's Day Love · Valentine's Day · Mother's Day - has a number of crafts that could be adapted for this lesson. DLTK-Kids Bible Bookmarks has Topical Index to Object Lessons · Current SS Lessons
Kidology Newsletter: Valentine's Day , Give-A-Way Survey, & Quiet Gems
25 Aug 2009 More Free Kids Sermons Online. Denise Day Spencer has posted several excellent object lessons for kids. .... Love Resources Valentine's Day
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